While we last published a round up of Atlanta-based scholarship all the way back in January 2022, we’re excited to return to this Atlanta Studies tradition with a round up of all the Atlanta-related work we could find published in 2024. Learn about the latest work on our city, ranging from studies of cultural gentrification to environmental injustice to housing and much more. A big thank you to Emory PhD student and ECDS fellow Audrey Lin for her assistance in compiling this list of books, essays in edited collections, peer-reviewed articles, dissertations and theses about Atlanta. Be sure to reach out to us via email to contribute a citation if you find something missing.
Aiello, Thomas. White Ice: Race and the Making of Atlanta Hockey. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2024.
Wheeler, Rhana Gittens. Ghosts of Atlanta. Cultural Gentrification on the Black Mecca. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024.
Holt, Kevin C. “Yeek! Atlanta Hip-Hop Dance and the Subversion of Expressing “Your Energetic Explosive Klimax”.” In Remixing the Hip-Hop Narrative. Between Local Expressions and Global Connections, edited by James Barber, Christian Büschges, Dianne Violeta Mausfeld, and Britta Sweers, 159-183. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024.
Jelks, Na’Taki Osborne. “Community-Based Environmental Protection: Grassroots Approaches to Advance Environmental Justice and Health Equity.” In Transforming Social Determinants to Promote Global Health: Achieving Health Equity through Lived Experiences, edited by Jill B. Hamilton and Charles E. Moore, 265-279. Switzerland AG: Springer Nature, 2024.
Arsenault, Raymond. “Sweet Home Atlanta.” In John Lewis. In Search of the Beloved Community, 296-309. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024.
An, Brian Y., Andrew Jakabovics, Anthony W. Orlando, Seva Rodnyansky, and Eujee Son. “Who Owns America? A Methodology for Identifying Landlords’ Ownership Scale and the Implications for Targeted Code Enforcement.” Journal of the American Planning Association 90, no. 4 (2024): 627-641.
Behnke, Carys, and Taylor Shelton. “Powered by gentrification: The uneven development of residential rooftop solar in Atlanta, Georgia.” Energy Research & Social Science 108 (2024).
Carter, Eli Lee. “Hip Hop and the Televisual Global South: Atlanta and Sintonia.” Television & New Media (2024).
Davis, Kyle. “The Big Peach Divided: Demographic-Electoral Transitions and Geographic Polarization in Atlanta Metropolitan Area Counties.” Southeastern Geographer 64, no. 3 (2024): 312-332.
Fernandez, Jessica, Katherine Melcher, Yang Song, Shirin Rezaeimalek, Pai Liu, and Ruiqi Yang. “Disparities in city-wide park use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Atlanta, Georgia.” Sustainable Cities and Society 101 (2024).
Forbes, Lauren. “Rooted resistance: The struggle for Black liberation through food cultivation.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City 5, no. 2 (2024): 164-190.
Greensmith, Cameron, Adam Davies, and Bo King. “Feeling out of place: queer experiences of belonging in metro Atlanta.” Gender, Place & Culture 31, no. 7 (2024): 1000-1021.
Hollingsworth, Keith. “The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot Aftermath: CSR in Action and Woke-washing.” Enterprise & Society 25, no. 2 (2024): 313-328.
Kim, AJ. “Welcoming Cities/Unwelcoming States: Integration, Segregation and Suburban Sprawl in the U.S. South.” Journal of Planning Education and Research (2024).
Koo, Gyo Hyun and Bin Chen. “It’s Not Just “8 Dead”: Examining News and Twitter’s Social Construction of the Atlanta Spa Shootings Through the Lens of Networked Gatekeeping and Affective Publics.” Social Media + Society 10, no. 3 (2024).
Linton, Sabriya L., Anne E. Corrigan, Laura Nicole Sisson, Hannah L.F. Cooper, Michael R. Kramer, and Frank C. Curriero. “Mapping gentrification, segregation, rental cost burden and sexually transmitted infections in Atlanta, Georgia, 2005-2018.” Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 51 (2024).
Liu, Pai, Yang Song, Qingjun Zou, Jian Tang, and Jessica Fernandez. “Environmental press of urban greenspace pre-post COVID on older adults: A big data study in metropolitan Atlanta.” Cities 145 (2024).
Mayfield, Kellie. “Grocery Stores as Third Spaces: The Meaning and Impact of a Neighborhood Grocery Store to Senio Center Clients in Atlanta.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 56, no. 8 (2024): S42.
Milligan, Richard, Ellis A. Adams, Chris Wheeler, Scott Raulerson, and Nicole Vermillion. “The hydro-racial fix in infrastructural regions: Atlanta’s situation in a regional water governance conflict.” Territory, Politics, Governance 12, no. 6 (2024): 866-883.
Monk-Payton, Brandy. ““Atlanta’s Image is a Fraud”: Fragments of Black Protest in Local TV Newsfilm.” The Journal of E-Media Studies 7, no. 2 (2024).
Pandey, Lakshmi, and David L. Sjoquist. “The Fair Housing Act and Black Atlantans: Post-1970 changes in residential density.” Journal of Urban Affairs (2024).
Pardue, Ryan, and Taylor Shelton. “Banks on a plane: The possibilities and limits of spatial accessibility measures for understanding geographies of financial exclusion.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (2024).
Polimeni, Nicholas, and Brian An. “Uncovering Neighborhood-level Portfolios of Corporate Single-Family Rental Holdings and Equity Loss.” Social Science Research Network (2024).
Prieto, Leon C., Vinod Vincent, Everod A. Davis, and Jacob Chacko. “Resilience Amidst Adversity: A Qualitative Exploration of Black Entrepreneurs in South Metro Atlanta.” Journal of Applied Business and Economics 26, no. 1 (2024): 114-123.
Reilly, Kenneth. ““Covering For Our City Blight”: Kudzu and Public Health in Atlanta, 1979-1994.” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (2024).
Renz, Emeline, Rafia Mallick, and Deirdre Oakley. “Diversions from policing as usual: A more caring city with Atlanta’s 311PAD?” Journal of Urban Affairs (2024).
Rodriguez, Akira Drake. ““What is Our City Doing for Us?”: Placing Collective Care into Atlanta’s Post-Public Housing Movements.” Antipode 56, no. 3 (2024): 755-778.
Rodriguez, Akira Drake, and Prentiss A. Dantzler. ““Broken Home”: (De)constructing the Moral Standards of Mobility for Atlanta’s Early Black Public Housing Families.” City & Community (2024).
Shelton, Taylor, and Eric Seymour. “Horizontal Holdings: Untangling the Networks of Corporate Landlords.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114, no. 8 (2024): 1819-1831.
Sherman, Stephen Averill. “Where are the police in urban governance? Three investigations of police, planning, and governance in central Atlanta.” Journal of Urban Affairs 46, no. 8 (2024): 1507-1522.
Sohn, Jiseun, Insun Park, Gang Lee, and Sinyong Choi. “Exploring police legitimacy and other factors in predicting cooperation with police in the Atlanta Korean American community.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 47, no. 2 (2024): 181-198.
Spikes, Tamara M., Richard Milligan, Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, and Christine C. Ekenga. “Transforming Environmental Advocacy in the Fight to Protect Urban Watersheds: A Case Study of African American-Led Community-Based Groups in Atlanta, GA.” Environmental Justice (2024).
Sun, Peijin, Pai Liu, and Yang Song. “Seasonal variations in urban park characteristics and visitation patterns in Atlanta: A big data study using smartphone user mobility.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 91 (2024).
Zinn, Amalie, Sonia Torres Rodríguez, Madeline Brown, and Ofronama Biu. “Voices from Atlanta: Barriers to Wealth Building and Perspectives on Baby Bonds.” Urban Institute, 2024.
Ahn, Jungho. “Measuring the Adequacy of Affordable Housing from Inclusionary Zoning on the Atlanta Beltline.” PhD Dissertation. University of Georgia, 2024.
Bay, Allison. “A Case Study of the Forest Cove Apartments in the Thomasville Heights Neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia: The Public Health Implications of a Condemned Low-Income Housing Complex.” DrPH Dissertation. Georgia State University, 2024.
Chordia, Ishita. “Building the Beloved Community: Designing Technologies for Neighborhood Safety.” PhD Dissertation. University of Washington, 2024.
Danker, Matthew John. “Collective Emotional Status on Gun Violence in Atlanta’s Venezuelan Population.” PhD Dissertation. Walden University, 2024.
Gandhi, Monali P. “Transit Oriented Development in Atlanta. Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis through Green Infrastructure.” Master’s Thesis. Pratt Institute, 2024.
Greenwood, Leanna. “Refugees in Transit: Refugee Women’s Perspectives on Space, Transportation, and Mobility During Resettlement in Atlanta.” PhD Dissertation. Georgia State University, 2024.
McAlpin, Kailey. “New Women of the New South City: Women’s Organizations in Atlanta during the Progressive Era, 1895-1930.” PhD Dissertation. Georgia State University, 2024.
Wood, Mia Sun Hee. “TOD Tradeoffs: Transit-Oriented Development and Neighborhood Change in Atlanta.” Master’s Thesis. Georgia State University, 2024.