10th Annual Atlanta Studies Symposium
May 11, 2023
Historic Academy of Medicine at Georgia Tech
875 W Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30309
On April 11 of 2023, The Atlanta Studies Symposium Organizing Committee has endorsed both positions of the educator boycott letter. This endorsement speaks for the position of the organizing committee, not the sponsoring institutions.
Opening Remarks (Auditorium)
Cliff Kuhn Memorial Speaker Dr. La Shonda Mims: “Gender, Race, Religion, and Queer Identity in the New South” (Auditorium)
Session 1
- Healthy places; Crystal Dining Room
- The digATL Portal from GSU Library: Connecting Content and Projects Around Place; Library
- Policing place, placing police; Magnolia Room
- The Desire for Streetcars: Is the Beltline a Rail Corridor or a Linear Park?; Sugarberry Room
- (Re)Generation and Destruction: The Past, Present, and Future of Housing in Metro Atlanta; Parlor
- ROUNDTABLE: The Desire for Streetcars: Is the Beltline a Rail Corridor or a Linear Park?; Sugarberry
Session 2
- ROUNDTABLE: Community-Engaged Research and the Movement to Defend the Atlanta Forest; Crystal Dining Room
- Educating Atlanta; Library
- Housing, Propery, and Land I; Magnolia Room
- Stadiums and Sewers: Race, Infrastructure, and Flooding on Atlanta’s Southside; Parlor
- Mobilizing DenCity; Sugarberry
Session 3
- Mapping Atlanta’s Food, Culture, and History; Crystal Dining Room
- Constructing Community; Library
- ROUNDTABLE: Universities and Cop City; Magnolia Room
- ROUNDTABLE: Urban Transformations in Atlanta; Parlor
- Housing, Property and Land II; Sugarberry Room
Cocktail Hour at the Rowdy Tiger
Sponsors of the event include Emory’s Center for Digital Scholarship, the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Writing Program, and the Department of Quantitative Theory and Methods, the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library, Clark Atlanta, Georgia State University’s Department of Geosciences, Urban Studies Institute and Department of History, the Georgia State University Library, Georgia Institute of Technology’s Schools of Interactive Computing, City and Regional Planning, Architecture, History and Sociology, and Public Policy; University of West Georgia; and Kennesaw State University’s Departments of Architecture, History and Philosophy, and Geography and Anthropology.