Register Now for the Atlanta Studies Symposium on May 6th!

CFP for Atlanta Studies Symposium 2022

Call for Proposals

Ninth Annual Atlanta Studies Symposium:

New Ways of Seeing the City

May 6, 2022

Knowles Conference Center, Georgia State University College of Law

Atlanta, Georgia


The pandemic has kept us at home, shifting our spatial imaginaries and how we experience the city. It has also shined a new light on the roles of essential workers and those not privileged enough to work from home. And as we come out of lockdown, there’s an opportunity to see the city (past, present, future) with new eyes. This could be a frame for thinking about novel methodologies to study Atlanta, a forum for exploring the diverse disciplinary perspectives that the Atlanta Studies Symposium brings together, as well as a loose umbrella that could bring together a variety of empirical studies, such as seeing from the perspective of marginalized communities/lost histories/stories from the periphery rather than the center.

The ninth annual Atlanta Studies Symposium welcomes proposals on any aspect of Atlanta, past, present, or future. Priority will be given to those that directly relate to the conference theme, “New Ways of Seeing the City,” but the symposium is also very interested in work that chronicles and responds to the current moment.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Dan Immergluck, Professor of Urban Studies at Georgia State University and author of Red-Hot City: Housing, Race, Class, and Exclusion in Twenty-first Century Atlanta (forthcoming)

CLIFF KUHN MEMORIAL KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. AJ Kim, Associate Professor of City Planning at San Diego State University and author of Immigrant Atlanta: Integration, Segregation, and Sprawl in the New South (forthcoming)

This year, we seek a diverse array of symposium sessions from scholars and practitioners at academic institutions, as well as from other public, private, and nonprofit organizations. We welcome proposals for:

  • Individual papers (15-20 minute oral presentation)
  • Posters
  • Fully constituted panels with up to 3 presenters and a moderator
  • Roundtable discussions
  • Interactive workshops
  • Film screenings
  • Any other creative form of presentation you’d like to propose

Please submit abstracts via this Google form no later than February 11, 2022.

Notifications will be emailed no later than March 12, 2022.

If you have questions about the event or proposals, please contact

Sponsors of the event include the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center, the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship and the Emory Writing Program, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the Urban Studies Institute and the Department of History at Georgia State University, the School of City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Department of Architecture, the Department of History and Philosophy, and the Department of Geography and Anthropology at Kennesaw State University. 

If you would like to attend the symposium, you may click the button at the beginning of the post, or go to this link.