Scholarship on Atlanta: 2020 Round Up

Here at Atlanta Studies we are interested in scholarship on every aspect of the city, region, and its history – including writing published elsewhere.

In this blog post we highlight new scholarship on Atlanta that was published last year on topics ranging from the city’s memorialization of the Civil War to Atlanta’s LGBT communities and televisual drag scene.

Read up on our city by browsing this collection of books, essays in edited collections, and peer reviewed articles about Atlanta gathered by our editorial staff with some crowd-sourced help from our followers on Twitter and Facebook.

Essays in Edited Collections

McGehee, Margaret T. “‘Vienners’ at Odum’s: DeAundra Peek and the Atlanta Televisual Drag Scene,” in Queering the South on Screen, ed. Tison Pugh. University of Georgia Press, 2020, pp. 259-282.


Dylla, Sarah. “A Cauldron in Atlanta: Reflections on a Reluctant Symbol for an Image-Obsessed City.” Public Art Dialogue, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 185-195.

Gaither, Cassandra J. et al. ““Black folks do forage”: Examining wild food gathering in Southeast Atlanta Communities.” Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Vol. 56, December 2020.

Gelfand, Rachel. “”Come Out Slugging!”: The Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance, 1972–1975.” Southern Cultures, Vol. 26, No. 3, Fall 2020, pp. 86-103. 10.1353/scu.2020.0041

Ghimire, Ramesh. “Homeownership and Community Involvement: Results From the 2019 Metro Atlanta Speaks Survey.” Housing Policy Debate, November 30, 2020.

Greensmith, Cameron. ““Queer as hell media”: Affirming LGBTQ+ youth identity and building community in Metro Atlanta, Georgia.” Journal of LGBT Youth, October 9, 2020.

Harrison, Austin; Immergluck, Daniel; Ernsthausen, Jeff; and Earl, Stephanie, “Housing Stability, Evictions, and Subsidized Rental Properties: Evidence from Metro Atlanta.” USI Publications, 2020, no. 48.

Immergluck, Dan et al. “Evictions, large owners, and serial filings: findings from Atlanta.” Housing Studies, Vol. 35, No. 5, 2020.

Isaac, Carol, Bernstein, Arla, and Behar-Horenstein, Linda. “From Gentrification to Regeneration: A Grounded Theory Study of Community Leadership in Southwest Atlanta.”The Qualitative Report, Vol. 25, No. 9, 2020, pp. 3369-3390.

Markley, Scott N. et al. “The Limits of Homeownership: Racial Capitalism, Black Wealth, and the Appreciation Gap in Atlanta.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, February 10, 2020.

Park, Yujin and Jean-Michel Guldmann. “Understanding disparities in community green accessibility under alternative green measures: A metropolitan-wide analysis of Columbus, Ohio, and Atlanta, Georgia.” Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 200, August 2020.

Shaw, Todd C. et al. “Disconnected in the Mecca? Black social media usage and levels of engagement in Atlanta.” Journal of Urban Affairs, Nov. 20, 2020.

 Wyczalkowski, Christopher K., Timothy Welch, and Obed Pasha.”Inequities of Transit Access: The Case of Atlanta, GA,” Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2020, pp. 657-684.