In this blog post we’re highlighting new scholarship on Atlanta published in 2017 on topics ranging from food insecurity to Muhammad Ali, public access cable to the BeltLine. Read up on our city by browsing this collection, crowd sourced from our Twitter followers, of books, essays in edited collections, and articles.
Case, Sarah H. Leaders of Their Race: Educating Black and White Women in the New South. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Hess, Earl J. The Battle of Peach Tree Creek: Hood’s First Effort to Save Atlanta. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017.
Hobson, Maurice J. The Legend of the Black Mecca: Politics and Class in the Making of Modern Atlanta. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017.
McNair, Charles. Play It Again, Sam: The Notable Life of Sam Massell, Atlanta’s First Minority Mayor. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2017.
Yow, Ruth Carbonette. Students of the Dream: Resegregation in a Southern City. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017.Albee, Carrie. “Forward Atlanta: G. Lloyd Preacher and the Atlanta City Hall.” In Skyscraper Gothic: Medieval Style and Modernist Buildings, edited by Kevin D. Murphy and Lisa Reilly, 134–56. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2017.
Albee, Carrie. “Forward Atlanta: G. Lloyd Preacher and the Atlanta City Hall.” In Skyscraper Gothic: Medieval Style and Modernist Buildings, edited by Kevin D. Murphy and Lisa Reilly, 134–56. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2017.
Miller, Matt. “Freaknik: Intersectional Perspectives on the Politics and Discourse of Public Space in Atlanta.” In Sex and Sexuality in Modern Southern Culture, edited by Trent Brown, 231–55. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2017.
Wood, Mackenzie, Jennifer Clark, and Emma French. “Atlanta’s Food Truck Fervor: Policy Impediments and Entrepreneurial Efforts to Expand Mobile Cuisine.” In Food Trucks, Cultural Identity, and Social Justice: From Loncheras to Lobsta Love, edited by Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews, and Hannah Sobel, 263–84. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2017.Ambinakudige, Shrinidhi, Domenico Parisi, Giorgio Carlo Cappello, and Aynaz Lotfata. “Diversity or Segregation? A Multi-decadal Spatial Analysis of Demographics of Atlanta Neighborhoods.” Spatial Demography 5, no. 2 (2017): 123–44.
Amsterdam, Daniel. “Toward the Resegregation of Southern Schools: African American Suburbanization and Historical Erasure in Freeman v. Pitts.” History of Education Quarterly 57, no. 4 (November 2017): 451–79.
Cohen, Jeffrey P., Cletus C. Coughlin, and Jonas C. Crews. “Airport Noise in Atlanta: The Inequality of Sound.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2017-15A, June 2017.
Gill Jr., Emmett L., M. Candace Christensen, and Alfred G. Pérez. “The Sale of the Atlanta Hawks: Is It Racism or White Ownership Playing the Race Card?” Journal of Sports Media 12, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 113–40.
Haley, Danielle F., Sabriya Linton, Ruiyan Luo, Josalin Hunter-Jones, Adaora A. Adimora, Gina M. Wingood, Loida Bonney, Zev Ross, and Hannah L. F. Cooper. “Public Housing Relocations and Relationships of Changes in Neighborhood Disadvantage and Transportation Access to Unmet Need for Medical Care.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 28, no. 1 (February 2017): 329–49.
Hobson, Maurice J. “Ali and Atlanta: A Love Story in the Key of the Black New South.” Phylon 54, no. 1 (Summer 2017): 79–96.
Howell, Charlotte E. “Symbolic Capital and the Production Discourse of The American Music Show: A Microhistory of Atlanta Cable Access.” Cinema Journal 57, no. 1 (Fall 2017): 1–24.
Hsieh, Lin-Han Chiang, and Douglas Noonan. “The Closer the Better? Examining Support for a Large Urban Redevelopment Project in Atlanta.” Journal of Urban Affairs (2017).
Immergluck, Dan, and Tharunya Balan. “Sustainable for Whom? Green Urban Development, Environmental Gentrification, and the Atlanta Beltline.” Urban Geography (2017).
Immergluck, Dan, Ann Carpenter, and Abram Lueders. “Hot City, Cool City: Explaining Neighbourhood-level Losses in Low-cost Rental Housing in Southern US Cities.” International Journal of Housing Policy (2017).
Jun, Hee-Jung. “The Link Between Local Comprehensive Plans and Housing Affordability: A Comparative Study of the Atlanta and Detroit Metropolitan Areas.” Journal of the American Planning Association 83, no. 3 (Summer 2017): 249–61.
Lasner, Matthew Gordon. “Segregation by Design: Race, Architecture, and the Enclosure of the Atlanta Apartment.” Journal of Urban History (2017).
LeTran, Yenie, Jacek P. Sirya, J. M. Bowker, and Neelam C. Poudyalc. “Atlanta Households’ Willingness to Increase Urban Forests to Mitigate Climate Change,” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 22 (March 2017): 84–92.
Lu, Zhongming, John Crittenden, Frank Southworth, and Ellen Dunham-Jones. “An Integrated Framework for Managing the Complex Interdependence Between Infrastructures and the Socioeconomic Environment: an Application in Metropolitan Atlanta.” Urban Studies 54, no. 12 (September 2017): 2874–93.
Luttrull, Daniel. “Mammon and God: Mapping Flannery O’Connor’s Atlanta.” Christianity & Literature 66, no. 4 (September 2017): 675–90.
Majic, Samantha. “Sending a Dear John Letter: Public Information Campaigns and the Movement to ‘End Demand’ for Prostitution in Atlanta, GA.” Social Science 6, no. 4 (2017): 138.
Markley, Scott. “Suburban Gentrification? Examining the Geographies of New Urbanism in Atlanta’s Inner Suburbs.” Urban Geography (2017).
McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Anna Joo Kim. “Receptivity and the Welcoming Cities Movement: Advancing a Regional Immigrant Integration Policy Framework in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia.” Papers in Applied Geography (2017).
Morgan-Ellis, Esther M. “Warren Kimsey and Community Singing at Camp Gordon, 1917–1918.” Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (2017).
Oakley, Deirdre, and George Greenidge Jr. “The Contradictory Logics of Public-Private Place-making and Spatial Justice: The Case of Atlanta’s Beltline.” City & Community 16, no. 4
(December 2017): 355–58.
Park, Jeong-Il, and Nancey Green Leigh. “Urban Industrial Land Loss and Foreign Direct Investment-Related Manufacturing Job Sprawl: An Atlanta, Georgia MSA Case Study.” Journal of Urban Technology 24, no. 4, (2017): 95–113.
Shannon, Jerry, Mathew E. Hauer, Alexis Weaver, and Sarah Shannon. “The Suburbanization of Food Insecurity: An Analysis of Projected Trends in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area.” Professional Geographer 70, no. 1 (February 2018): 84–93.
Thomas, John Clayton. “Practicing a Virtuous Politics: Bill Bolling and the Atlanta Community Food Bank.” Public Administration Review 77, no. 6 (November/December 2017): 933–41.
Weber, Sarah, B. Bynum Boleya, Nathan Palardya, and Cassandra Johnson Gaither. “The Impact of Urban Greenways on Residential Concerns: Findings from the Atlanta BeltLine Trail.” Landscape and Urban Planning 167 (November 2017): 147–56.
Xu, Yanzhi (Ann), Haobing Liu, Michael O. Rodgers, Angshuman Guin, Michael Hunter, Adnan Sheikh, and Randall Guensler. “Understanding the Emission Impacts of High-occupancy Vehicle (HOV) to High-occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Conversions: Experience From Atlanta, Georgia.” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 67, no. 8 (2017): 910–22.