“Let’s Go to Work!”: The Spread of Chicago Steppin in Atlanta

On Thursday, February 23, at 6pm, Emory University’s Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library will host an evening of dance and conversation in the Schatten Gallery on the third floor of Emory’s Woodruff Library.

During this event, attendees will have the opportunity to talk with award-winning steppers from Atlanta and around the country. Steppin is a dance predominantly practiced by African Americans from Chicago that over the years has evolved and spread across the country and world. The discussion will be moderated by cultural sociologist, stepper, and Emory alum Anjulet Tucker, who will share insights from her research on the cultural exchange between steppers in Chicago and Atlanta. This event is part of a series curated to complement the ongoing Rose Library exhibition “Still Raising Hell: The Art, Activism, and Archives of Camille Billops and James V. Hatch.”