Teaching Atlanta Digitally

How might digital platforms and approaches facilitate more robust local pedagogies? 

On Friday, February 3, 2017 in the Jones Room (3rd floor) of the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Emory University, the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, in collaboration with the Emory Center for Faculty Development and Excellence and Teaching Atlanta will host a half-day symposium entitled Teaching Atlanta Digitally. This symposium is free and open to the public and will examine exactly these issues at the intersection of local and digital pedagogies in the context of our great city of Atlanta.

This symposium will be modular in format (allowing folks to come to as much or little of the event as they are able) and will be composed of three distinct portions. The first hour (1–2 pm) will be comprised of a set of presentations about digital and local pedagogical approaches, including discussions of the Teaching Atlanta network as well as concrete examples of local and digital pedagogies from David Morgen of Emory and Ruth C. Yow and Sarah O’Brien of Georgia Tech. In the second hour (2–3 pm) we will offer a hands-on opportunity to explore the exciting ATLmaps platform as a potential classroom resource with one of the developers of the platform, Brennan Collins of Georgia State University, leading the session. Finally, the symposium will conclude with a facilitated discussion (3–4 pm) in which we will collaboratively reflect on the concrete ways we might all bring such digital and local approaches into our own classrooms.

We hope you can join us for what should be a great event! For additional information, including any accessibility concerns, please contact ecds@emory.edu.