Atlanta Studies Winter 2015 Meetup

Date: December 7, 2015

Time: 7 pm

Location: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland Ave.


Reflections on the ATL Urbanist
Marni Davis and Joe Hurley

Darin Givens started blogging about new urbanism and historic preservation in 2010, when he and his family moved to downtown Atlanta. Over the past five years, ATL Urbanist has helped shape local debates about the present and the future of our city’s built environment. Givens retired his blog in early November; we already miss his beautiful photographs of sunsets bouncing off downtown Atlanta’s old and new buildings, as well as his advocacy for urban planning that promotes humane, livable, and vibrant cities. Marni Davis (History Department, GSU) and Joseph Hurley (Library, GSU/Planning Atlanta digital collection) will honor and celebrate ATL Urbanist’s contribution to Atlanta’s culture.

The History of an Organic Archive
Brian Maloof

Manuel’s Tavern is over half a century old, and the Maloof family goes back even further in Atlanta’s public house history. Though the bar has seen changes over the years (a chicken coop on the roof and electric car charging stations in the parking lot to name a couple), for many Atlantans the bar represents a place of constancy in a city that is constantly changing. The establishment will close for renovations at the end of December. Brian Maloof, the owner of Manuel’s Tavern, will discuss his family’s role in Atlanta’s bar history, important moments in the tavern’s past, and what to expect with the renovation.

The Plan:

7:00 – Grab some snacks (we will provide a few) and order a drink (that’s on you)
7:15 – Presentations and Q&A
8:30 – Networking, chit chatting, order another drink

Sweater icon created by Ben Biondo for Noun Project.